- Trainer: Hannisa Haris
Modern Higher Education
Beschikbare cursussen
- Trainer: Hidaya Tocu
- Trainer: Student Moodle
- Trainer: Student Moodle
This workshop is meant to give the
participants insight in the idea of Blended learning. The basic
question in the workshop is
“how can you use IT to improve your education?”.
- The educational functions and examples of software relevant for higher education are presented.
- The workshop is presented in the format of a Moodle course. Moodle is a digital learning
environment which is used in many countries. The participants learn how to use some basic
functions in Moodle. - Important requirements that have to be fulfilled to turn blended learning in a success will be discussed
- In the workshop the participants will redesign one of their courses or a part of their course in a
blended learning
course with the help of systematic course redesign procedure.
- Beheerder: Jan Nedermeijer
- Beheerder: Jan Nedermeijer